Privacy policy
When you order a product on the website 'Keramiek Atelier Montferland', leave your details. Enter your name, e-mail address, telephone number, payment details and address details. These data are sometimes personal data. This is the case if you can be identified with this data. Because we respect your privacy, we make clear through this privacy statement why we process personal data, how we protect it and what your rights are with regard to your personal data. In doing so, we always observe the conditions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
This privacy statement can be changed when new developments give cause to do so. We advise you to read this privacy statement regularly so that you are aware of these changes. Below you can see when this privacy statement was last changed.
This privacy statement was last modified on: 07-01-2021
1. When does this privacy statement apply?
This privacy statement applies to all personal data processed on the 'Keramiek Atelier Montferland' website.
2. What are personal data?
Personal data is all kinds of data that can be traced back to an individual. Your name, e-mail address, payment details, etc. are, for example, personal data. Your username in combination with your password are also personal data, as these are intended to identify you as an individual.
3. From whom do we process personal data and how do we obtain this data?
We process personal data of all customers who place an order in our webshop.
When you order products online in our webshop, we process your payment details and the personal data that you have entered yourself. After all, we need this information to correctly complete the payment and to be able to send the order to you.
4. What data do we process about you?
When you place an order in our webshop, enter your data. The data that we process from you when you place an order are: your name, e-mail address, shipping address, telephone number and payment details.
5. Who is responsible for the processing of personal data on this website?
The controller for the processing of your personal data is the owner of Keramiek Atelier Montferland.
Ceramics Atelier Montferland
Doetinchemseweg 29, 7036AE in Loerbeek
Chamber of Commerce number: 78135923
6. Why do we process your personal data?
We collect such non-personal and personal information for the following purposes:
1. To provide and operate the Services;
2. To provide our users with ongoing customer support and technical support;
3. To be able to contact our visitors and users with general or personalized service related announcements and advertisements;
4. To create aggregated statistical data and other aggregated and / or inferred non-personal information that we may use to provide and improve our website and respective services;
5. To be able to pay for products online and then ship them.
6. To comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
7. Why are we allowed to process your data?
We may process your data as this is necessary to ship our products to you and complete the payment. We cannot provide this service without the processing of your personal data. We process your e-mail address, telephone number, shipping address and payment details, so that you can use the service of our webshop without any problems.
8. How do we store, use and share your personal data?
Our company is hosted on the platform. provides us with the online platform that allows us to sell our products and services to you. Your data may be stored through's data storage, databases and general applications. They store your data on secure servers behind a firewall.
All instant payment gateways offered by and used by our company adhere to the standards of PCI-DSS as managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, a joint effort of brands such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover . PCI-DSS requirements help ensure the secure processing of credit card information by our store and its service providers.
11. What rights do you have in relation to the processing of your personal data?
Under the GDPR, you have a number of rights when your personal data is processed.
What rights do you have?
Right of access
You have the right to request access to matters relating to your personal data. For example, you can request to be informed about why your personal data is being processed.
Right to rectification
If we have incorrect information about you, you have the right to have it rectified (corrected).
Right to be forgotten
In certain cases you have the right to be forgotten. The right to be forgotten means the right to have your personal data removed from our systems. You have the right to be forgotten when:
The personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, or;
The personal data has been processed unlawfully.
For example, if you wish to cancel your account, you have the right to be forgotten as your personal data is no longer needed at that time for the proper functioning of our website for you.
Right to restriction of processing
You have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data if your personal data processed by us is processed incorrectly or unlawfully. You also have this right when we no longer need the personal data, but you do need it for the establishment, exercise or defense of a legal claim.
Right to portability of your personal data
You have the right to have your personal data, which we process about you, transferred on request to yourself or to another controller in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable form.
12. How do you have your personal data deleted by us?
If you do not want us to stop collecting your personal data, please contact us via or mail to: Doetinchemseweg 29, 7036AE, Loerbeek.
13. How do you submit a complaint about the processing of your personal data?
If you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data, you can contact us via the email address However, you also have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority. More information about submitting a complaint to the Dutch Data Protection Authority can be found on the following website: complaint .
If you have any questions after reading our privacy statement, or if you would like to make another type of comment about the processing of personal data, you can always reach us via the email address